Tuesday, 27 March 2007

arwen's latest pictures 19, 20 months

exploring the 'vanity bag'

daddy's socks! look they fit!

oh look! bia found all the clips!

somehow they always look so angelic when they're asleep....

a brief pensive moment before indulging in some more mischeif....

lets help the handyman....

i'd like to stay and taste my first champagne....yes?

playdough time!

don't tell me this is a dog!

yay...the beach!!!

look its my first post...yay! haha sorry all this stuff is semi-new to me i'm kind of excited about the possibilities. i thought i'd post the most recent pictures of arwen for you all to see while i get other stuff together for my blog. plus that way i don't have to send them around anymore...hehe...a mommy's life is a demanding one. but i'm sure you all understand that. love you lots......enjoy. xxxx