Lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime. And, departing, leave behind us footprints on the sands of time. -- Henry Hadsworth Longfellow
You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you.
The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. -- Charles du Bos
There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility of changing them. -- Dr. Dennis Waitley
If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then i warn you that you'll be unhappy the rest of your life. -- Abraham H. Maslow
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Formal education will make you a living, self education will make you a fortune. -- Jim Rohn
My passion is to multiply all that God has given me, and in the process, give it back. -- Bob Buford
The noblest in the search is the search for excellence. -- Lyndon B. Johnston
Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, and character.
Thursday, 28 June 2007
quotes on greatness
Labels: great words...greatness
Posted by sharmini at 11:48 0 comments
Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.
--Ann Landers
US advice columnist (1918 - 2002)
Labels: great words...maturity
Posted by sharmini at 11:47 0 comments
victoria falls
i remember when my 2 sisters phoned us one day and told us about how they had just been to victoria falls. there were tears. i deduced from this emotional melodrama that a. i need to stop crying about everything and, b. my life just held way too little significance at that point. there are so many beautiful things in this world & i just have one life here to experience them all....and i intend to. in the meantime these visuals of other people's accounts are gonna have to suffice. oh damn. well, lucky buggers. isn't it pretty awesome?
Labels: creation's wonders
Posted by sharmini at 02:27 1 comments
be glad of the rain...
It is raining, little flower?
Be glad of the rain;
Too much sun would wither thee.
’Twill shine again.
The sky is very black, ’tis true,
But just behind it shines the blue.
Art thou weary, tender heart?
Be glad of pain;
In sorrow sweetest things will grow
As flowers in rain.
God watches; and thou wilt have the sun
When clouds their perfect work have done.
--Lucy Larcom
Labels: great words...trials and tests/greater victories
Posted by sharmini at 00:07 0 comments
Monday, 25 June 2007
were there no night...
The heavens would turn into a blinding glare;
Freedom is best seen through prison bars,
And rough seas make the haven passing fair;
We cannot measure joys but by their loss;
When blessings fade away, we see them then;
Our richest clusters grow around the cross,
And in the night-time angels sing to men.
Labels: great words...trials and tests/greater victories
Posted by sharmini at 12:44 0 comments
Sunday, 24 June 2007
i lived with pride....
This series of posts is gonna be from my 'great words simple truths' blog which i'm also transferring to this one....enjoy.
I lived with Pride; the house was hung
With tapestries of rich design.
Of many houses, this among
Them all was richest, and 'twas mine.
But in the chambers burned no fire,
Tho' all the furniture was gold;
I sickened of fulfilled desire,
The house of Pride was very cold.
I lived with Knowledge; very high
Her house rose on a mountain's side.
I watched the stars roll through the sky,
I read the scroll of Time flung wide.
But in that house, austere and bare,
No children played, no laughter clear
Was heard, no voice of mirth was there,
The house was very drear.
I lived with Love; all she possest
Was but a tent beside a stream.
She warmed my cold hands in her breast,
She wove around my sleep a dream.
And One there was face divine
Who softly came, when day was spent,
And turned our water into wine,
And made our life a sacrament.
--William J. Dawson
Labels: great
Posted by sharmini at 19:56 0 comments
the northern lights
"The heavens declare the glory of God & the firmament showeth His handywork." - Psa. 19:1
I'm very intrigued by nature, creation, & the perfection with which everything in the universe works....and i love how it all just reflects the Lord &, as it says 'His handywork'. I guess you could say it's one of my passions. That's why i'm publishing a series of some of these awesome natural wonders & other marvels of creation which we so often take for granted or hardly have time or opportunity to enjoy....i guess they're just treats that the Lord has chosen to spoil us with to make our toiling a little easier.
Labels: creation's wonders
Posted by sharmini at 19:39 1 comments
Monday, 11 June 2007
compliment to society
recently i heard someone at a seminar i went to, say something that really caught my attention. she said she wanted to be a 'compliment to society'.
that kind of got me thinking about what exactly was the criterion to being a compliment to society.....i suppose to be a compliment, i would have to compliment it in as many ways as possible.
it means im trying my utmost to be the very best human i can despite my circumstances.
it means i don't abuse my body with junk & i keep it in tip top shape.
it means i have a good appearance and maintain a certain standard in terms of how i dress & look-though not necessarily being consumed by it.
i guess this also goes for my personal belongings-im neat & tidy & i generally try to keep areas that are not mine tidy as well & wash dishes that i havent been commanded to wash. -just because i want to be a compliment, not an insult.
it means i am a decent person with manners & is kind, sacrificial & accommodating to others.
it means i am trying my best to make the world a better place by utilising my life & talents to benefit others & help them in whatever way i can- be it spiritually or physically.
it means i am an inspiration to be around & in influence people around me to be positive & aspire to great things.
my good nature is then reflected in my children.
did i miss anything?
interesting-i should've contributed to charity and charm.....hahahaha. what does anyone else think defines a 'compliment to society'?
Labels: forums
Posted by sharmini at 22:33 0 comments