i've been trying to shed a few extra kilos recently...okay, about 15, and i guess its easy sometimes to feel like you're missing out on so many goodies that just seem to be EVERYWHERE now more so than ever before. its like they're just sitting around waiting for you to finally give in so they can laugh at you mockingly because you have no self-control. for some of us that are not as obsessed with our bodies to the point that it takes up all our mental energy, we've come to enjoy other rewards which i suppose aren't the best for our percentage of body fat or our health in general. of course when it comes down to it, its all a matter of habit & cultivating the ones you want to run your life. so, i'm trying to develop some better eating habits, & have come to discover that there are some treats involved in the slimmer/health conscious guy's diet. i've started actually craving these things now, cause of course, your body craves what it needs right & i actually look forward to them throughout the day....i'll be posting some of my top slimmers treats labeled: treats for the 'health conscious guy'. in case there's anyone who is struggling a bit with the concept of having to give up unhealthy things that they really want to. replace them instead!
this basically consists of yogurt & fruit-generally without skin or big seeds. stuff i like to put in there is: strawberries, papaya, kiwi fruit, mango, and banana is great for making it sweet so you don't have to add sugar. its also a great way to use up any extra fruit you have lying around that will probably go rotten if you don't use it. oh, and i MAKE the yogurt myself too! milk is cheaper to buy than yogurt, but yogurt is easier for your body to digest & more healthy too.

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