Friday, 16 November 2007


Edification is, simply put, the practice of exalting & promoting someone else instead of yourself. The concept is that anybody can promote anybody. Meaning that while it's hard to promote yourself, it's easy to promote another person no matter who you are. An illustration that I've heard on this topic pointed out that whenever you see a review written for either a movie or a book or even a shop, maybe you'll notice that the comments are put in very big print, while the peoples names who made the statements are in much smaller print. Plus most of the time we have no notion of who the person is, but for some reason we take notice of what they are saying anyway. i mean think about it-it's true. So then no matter who said it, right away we have this impression that the thing they are trying to promote is GREAT!
Another analogy is in business, like in mine-when i try to promote it to people, they may question it. However, if i promote a colleague as being very smart, or successful or highly influential, - right away, all that person has to do is say a few words about why what i have to offer is a good idea & it holds way more credibility. do you see what i mean?
I suppose this also falls in line with just simply speaking constructively of others. In fact, it says a lot about you when you talk about someone else & in what manner. AND if you're always speaking constructively of other people, others will start speaking that way of you & will be promoting YOU.
So, if you want to promote yourself, promote others.


Tash said...

Thank you for sharing, I believe my purpose is to edify. However, before I recognized it as a calling, I would hurt myself with the gift. I would lessen myself to build up others. I don't believe that is the intention. Now that I know who and whose I am, I have truly been a blessing to others with the words that I speak.