oh look its april and i found arwen's christmas pictures....this reminds me of the time when i was selling a balloon that said 'season's greetings' in january and one lady said "isn't that a bit stale?''....interestingly enough it didn't really phase me then, nor does it now...my sister claire plays christmas music every time she just gets bored of everything else she listens to. there's nothing like hearing mariah carey (sorry joe that she is not caucasian and can sing) sing "joy to the world the Lord is come let earth receive her king!" christmas is the best time of the year-its awesome to relive it randomly throughout the year, so....season's greetings!

actually, i think Mariah C's OH Holy Night is one of the greatest songs recorded... but i like almost all christmas music. (Christmas love and sing a song of joy are my favourites) it's so happy and pure!
What a lovely reindeer. hehe.
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