Thursday, 31 May 2007

The clown put on a funny hat....

sometimes in my employment as a clown, i glance around at other people who can actually wear what they please to work, and who are not subject to constant public scorn & ridicule. its pretty easy to feel like some kind of sub-species of human when you're walking around with an over-ambitious pink frill, yellow hair, a flattened top-hat, a 'blouse' that looks like a tent & pants that used to fit pavarotti....and sigh in dismay. but after mulling over these thoughts quite extensively, i realised the other day i could be doing something worse. i could be:

poisoning the world to death with coke
a wwf wrestler and worldwide icon
quentin tarantino
a mass marketer of violent computer games
george bush
a hunter
an abortionist
a butcher
a serial killer
a member of kiss
an executionist
a stripper
a prostitute
a bum
a beggar
part of the mafia
a street sweeper

but im not. i decided to look at the positive things about what i do. im an artist, (of some variety anyway) i make kidz happy. parents invite me to come to occasions of some value to them & actually pay me. because it pays so well, i am free to do any one of a number of things all week long. unlike everyone that 'gets to dress as they please' i get to sleep in till 9 every morning while they all have to peel themselves out of bed at 6. i get to skip traffic EVERY morning. its my job to look ridiculous, & possibly overweight, so its a bonus if i do. i get to eat the most expensive food in the country AND i get it for free.
God takes wonderful care of me & even spoils me with His blessings because He's my ultimate boss! It's great!


Claire said...

i like this one!
i agree that if you're going to be a clown, it's a MUST to be cheerful, pleasant and if you can swing it, entertaining to be around. Not everyone can have a sparkling personality, but you're certainly not being paid to be a grouch. i know sometimes i don't feel like a lightbulb, and i've occasionaly done things that make me squirm in horror afterwards (snapped at a customer/mom, or simply been glum)... but it helps to remember why you are there... at least for THAT hour... it's about the kids, and making THEM happy! and a real professional would never show that he was on a bummer... hehe. (besides, acting cheerful, makes you cheerful!)most of the time anyway.
P.S. to the general public: if we as clowns will practice our "professional civil graces" it really would be nice if you could be polite and treat us with the same courtesy. it's not cool to make clowns cry or upset. i love you too.
end of of OHR.

the.cog said...

um.. Bums.. Beggars.. and many Prostitutes do not have much of a choice in their lifestyle...

"Thank god im not like that man"


Ps.. arent you and trish the people who get the most complaints at parties?

sharmini said...

amos everyone has a choice in their lifestyle. and the parties i get complaints for are completely unavoidable, as those ones are normally the ones i do the most at. people that complain about parties that you've honestly put your heart into are the type that just love being difficult because they can & just need to get over themselves.

Lyra said...

What I don't get is what's with people who'd rather die than dress as a clown? whatever, you make more money, who gives a rats ass that you aren't, for just a moment, dressed to go in your regular calvin kline? surely you should be secure enough about yourself to be able to wear whatever comes your way and still make it cool? life isn't a fashion show and it isn't always about you. note to immediate familly, obviously I'm not talking about you, I love you bunch of clowns-XXX

Claire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claire said...

Yaay! Family Time all over again!
what can i say that i didn't already.. (nef nef)
being a clown is about making people happy... being a little goofy, and certainly not a fashion show or modelling ramp. (some people i know have their clown image a bit mixed up with their modelling careers)
don't shoot me. i know i have too many opinions.

sharmini said...

oh my God, this blog just keeps putting random 'deleted comments' when i have done no such thing. wt? i mean seriously. well, just for the record, i havent deleted any comments from my blog, so if it says that, just ignore it. i have also decided to retract my stance on beggars and bums and offer a different perspective,- being that i am not judging beggars and bums for not being clowns, but am thankful that i have a bed to sleep in & some covers. etc. oh look-amos has a soul! alert the media. actually amos is a very humanitarian guy. its nice. good man. heh. shut up max.

Anonymous said...

it says the comment as been delete by its author, which probably wasn't you, but the person who wrote it. silly. if you have the setting on which emails you any comments made, then even if its deleted it still gets emailed to you and you can see what it says.

We are the smartest family in the world, even the female's.

Claire is a feminist.

sharmini said...

ah, its good to have a guy like you around that spends all day on the computer & learns little nuggets like that. uh why am i insulting you? you just complimented the females of our family. no small gesture. what a turn of events. heh. uh hello, how do i put the setting on emailing me the comments?

Lyra said...

No, no, he complimented the "female's" in the family...which would indicate some sort of possessive tense for "female"...
now we get to say we are the smartest family in the world except Amos! hahahahah...
sorry about the job interview, Amos, if it helps Leini thinks you're "so hot" :)

Claire said...

it was my comment that got deleted by me... the "author" (uh, of the comment...) it was a typo or something, and i had already published it, and couldn't figure out how to edit it. so i erased it, and then wrote the one directly below, as you will see.
maxi, i can show you how to get the comments emailed to you later...
no, i'm not a feminist.
i dislike male and female alike!
(especially females who disgrace our gender by being...shhh. gosh.)
gotta go.

Lyra said...

Claire is simply's not an insult...we love her anyway cuz she's too cool.

the.cog said...

i don't think she's asexual.. remember the teeny weeny dream...
i stand by that.

"and your young men shall dream dreams"

(or was that the old men?)

Lyra said...

"...Your sons and your daughters shall prophecy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.."
I might as well assert myself as the family christian.

sharmini said...

there are females in our family?