here's where arwen went for her birthday...its an animal farm in hillcrest, was a quite a bit of fun. cool animals.
some geese. this was especially thrilling because it is arwen's current ambition to learn how to walk like one.

ooo im so hot & tired & thirsty

yay ice-cream!!! (always lifts a foul mood-ask mommy!)

'but daddy took the half I WANTED!' midway, she wanted to switch ice-creams. (the grass always looks greener...hahaha)
camel's nose? don't think i don't know that trick! im not ending up in the cage!
monkey see monkey do.

i had this guy eating right out of my hand. haha, no pun intended. hahaha. actually this was quite a hilarious experience...the sheep sticks out its tongue & licks the food off your was SO ticklish. well, i was freaking out.
she seems pleased.
ducks! (yes, just like quacky)
pigs! incidentally we had to leave the pigs in peace to get on with their half an hour orgasm. eeeyew!!!
rabbits! ('thumper')
a llama. ( i thought!) apparently this guy is called an 'alpaca'. coool... having kidz is such a learning experience. i couldn't get too close cause he got real nervous & showed his big yellow teeth & spat at me. that gave me just a tiny scare...
i had this guy eating right out of my hand. haha, no pun intended. hahaha. actually this was quite a hilarious experience...the sheep sticks out its tongue & licks the food off your was SO ticklish. well, i was freaking out.
ooo im so hot & tired & thirsty
yay ice-cream!!! (always lifts a foul mood-ask mommy!)
Yes, eat like horsies and they don't just stick to the good old greens you know (please no comments on the greenish hue of my skin) these things eat fingers too!
I actually made a little poem about it...I'll honour you with it now:
A Letter to my beloved man-eating pony:
My finger, my finger
A chunk is missing from my finger!
Give it back, give it back
Cry beloved, cry!
And that is where I left off and went to bed, it was 2am…
ha ha Reenie. Thats hillarious.i think i'll post a pic of ur beloved horse on my blog... just so you can see it whenever you want to!
and maxi, i think taking a kid out somewhere, is a perfect birthday idea. Especially if the child loves to be outdoors... always a better alternate to hiring a large hall and that funny comedian from chatsworth...what's his name again?
gotta go...
Your daughter is so adorable, Max. I'm soooo happy for you! xxx
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