Monday, 30 July 2007

dedication to arwen

You don't know what
it's like to have a son.

To have kissed his hair,
watched him grow....

Athos-Man in the Iron Mask

the other day my brother amos asked me ''what are the benefits to having kidz?" he said, the way he saw it there were none!''
i imagine to the undeaf ears of the average young single fellow, having children probably seems like a never-ending series of screaming fits, complimented by no free time EVER, no sleep, dealing with things like doo-doo on a rather intimate level, putting children to sleep FOR HOURS, perpetually having to handle regurgitated food etc etc etc. sometmes, im tempted to feel that way too.
....but the second i see my child after a long day out, and i see her face light up brighter than lights on a soccer field, and she leaps into my arms, jumping & laughing & using every possible bodily function to express joy, & throws her arms & legs around me & gives me the tightest squeeze & the biggest kiss
... i know exactly what the benefits are. & to experience that, you have to have children.
otherwise its impossible to understand that incredible feeling of lying next to your sleeping child (after they've FINALLY fallen asleep!) & smelling them & holding their warm little body & just wanting nothing more than to give them everything they will dream about & to protect them from everything bad in the world.
actually another single guy i was talking to once said: ''well i guess they're just not for everyone...'' freedom IS a costly exchange for a lot of pain/work/dealing with really yucky substances on a daily basis....and judging from an outside perspective, it probably seems like a 'no brainer'...but, whether you think kidz are for you or not, maybe you need them.
my dad told someone the other day: "children teach you everything you need to know about life." and its so true. - i've been forced to learn positiveness, patience, unconditional love, perseverance, time management, unselfishness...and a host of other lessons that one requires on a daily basis.
and....because it comes at such a high price (my body, my life...hehe) the rewards HAVE to surpass that. God just made it that way.
Before i had arwen, but was already pretty far along, i met a lady who told me: "you know, i've been all over the world, but NOTHING in the world compares to having a child."
Arwen's been the greatest gift to my life so far...& i wouldn't trade her for all the free time in the world. ...actually i had some free time the other day, - it just felt weird! hahaha.
So arwie...thanks for coming into my life & filling it with so much joy & love & intrigue haha.....i hope i can be the very best mommy you could ever need or want & i look forward to all the years we're gonna spend together growing & learning....thanks for giving me that chance. i love you cutie pie....
love mommy