Wednesday, 02 January 2008

make it count...

what is new years to most people? okay duh most people go out, get sloshed, act like idiots for the whole night & forget to go to sleep then recover for the next few days when they finally realise that their life is pending.
some of my sisters and i aren't that psyched about that whole scenario & normally avoid it altogether, opting for more sensible forms of entertainment. ooh yes we're such geeks.
someone recently made a comment to one of my sisters when she told them that she'd prefer not to start the new year off with a big hangover, - they said: "oh yeah, its much better to start it with sobriety & goals..." albeit the mocking tone should be eminent. i've temporarily branded him the village idiot....
sobriety & goals.... what an absolutely flipping good idea! i wish it occurred just a little less seldom. that way i wouldn't feel a responsibility to practice sobriety and goals solo with my tiny group of like minds annually & we could actually guiltlessly kick back with a beer.
but anyway, all that to say, stop and think about what the new year means for you. i've heard that if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll end up where you're headed. where's that for you? you're the michaelangelo of your life, and the david you're sculpting is you! will it be a masterpiece? a classic work of art forever etched in history? only you can decide. make this one count. let's kick ass this year!

"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." -- Napoleon Hill


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Claire said...

hehe. thanks maxi!
and the pickupsticks WAS fun.