Friday, 18 January 2008

think right toward people

Success depends on the support of other people.
Take the initiative in building friendships-leaders always do.
When you make a pleasant remark to a stranger, you make him feel one degree better. This makes you feel better and helps you relax. Every time you say something pleasant to another person, you compensate yourself. It's like warming up your automobile on a cold morning.
Thoughts breed like thoughts.
The person who does the most talking and the person who is the most successful are rarely the same person.
Conversation generosity wins friends. Conversation generosity helps you learn more about people.
Don't be a conversation hog. Listen, win friends, and learn.
Make yourself lighter to lift. Be likable. Practice being the kind of person people like. This wins their support and puts fuel in your success-building program.
Accept human differences and limitations. Don't expect anyone to be perfect. Remember, the other person has a right to be different. And don't be a reformer.
Find qualities to like and admire in a person, not things to dislike. And don't let other's prejudice your thinking about a third person. Think positive thoughts towards people-and get positive results.
Practice courtesy all the time. It makes other people feel better. It makes you feel better too.
Don't blame others when you receive a setback. Remember, how you think when you lose determines how long it will be until you win.