Sunday, 15 July 2007

the power of positive thinking

i've been learning a lot lately on the power of our thoughts & the effect they have on every aspect of our lives, including what we attract more of. there's a brilliant book/cd/dvd out called 'the secret' which is a little new agey, but actually contains concepts that christians have known for years. unfortunately we get so bogged down with the affairs of running our lives these days that we forget the basic principles of life & how to manage them in the very best possible way! we think that stuff is inapplicable to modern life when it's our very lifesource! but its a must read/listen to/watch for anyone who's looking for solutions in their lives or wants to learn how to harness the power of their minds and how a positive attitude makes all the difference in what we attract into our lives. i've been studying up on this topic & will write a post with my notes on it. in the meantime, i realised that the contents of my blog in recent posts had become more of a venue for me to air my complaints & frustrations than a place where people can come and be inspired or learn the secrets of GREATNESS! wow! so, im sorry if in the past i dwelled excessively on the negative components in my life instead of embracing solutions, and making time & space for the things that are actually gonna make a difference. they say: "small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, but great minds discuss ideas!" lets throw some around & see what great things are made of shall we? awesome. i look forward to your input.

here's a humorous illustration on positive thinking....


Claire said...

like Massimo Bini says... "you become what you think about the most!"...
makes you think. i guess i should be more positive too, huh? hehe.

Anonymous said...

well, if massimo bini says it, it's WORD in my books...lets take a moment...ohhh we're back to the 'its onrique' days....hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...


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