Sunday, 02 September 2007

cure yourself of excusitis, the failure disease

You will discover that excusitis explains the difference between the person who is going places and the fellow who is barely holding his own. You will find that the more successful the individual, the less inclined he is to make excuses.
But the fellow who has gone nowhere and has no plans for getting anywhere always has a bookful of reasons to explain why.
Study the lives of successful people and you'll discover this: All the excuses made by the mediocre fellow could be but aren't made by the successful person.

Health excusitis
A widely known college educator came home from Europe in 1945 minus one arm. Despite his handicap, John is always smiling, always helping others. He's about as optimistic as anyone I know. One day he and i had a long talk about his handicap.
"It's just an arm," he said, "Sure two are better than one. But they just cut off my arm. My spirit is one hundred percent intact. I'm really grateful for that."
Another amputee friend is an excellent golfer. One day I asked him how he had been able to develop such a near-perfect style with just one arm. I mentioned that most golfers with two arms can't do nearly as well. His reply says a lot. "Well, it's my experience," he said, "that the right attitude and one arm will beat the wrong attitude and two arms every time."
Think about that for a while. It holds true not only on the golf course but in every facet of life.
4 things you can do to lick health excusitis:

1) Refuse to talk about your health

2) Refuse to worry about your health

3) Be genuinely grateful that your health is as good as it is. There's an old saying worth repeating often: "I felt sorry for myself because i had ragged shoes until I met a man who had no feet. "

4) Remind yourself often, "Its better to wear out than rust out." Life is yours to enjoy. Don't waste it. Don't pass up living by thinking yourself into a hospital bed.

coming soon.....cure yourself of intelligence excusitis.